so. about those submissions

a helpful guide by me, mr shittytmatheories herself

Some basic info:

- I tag all theory posts with #tmaconspiracy, non theory posts are tagged with #tmaconspiracyooc
- This account is entirely lighthearted!! I do this for the fun of it all and to poke fun at the source material
- If you post anything about the account, feel free to please use #tmaconspiracy!! i'd love love to see it!
- I am all of one person behind this account, so I post whenever

So. About submitting!

Submission Rules:
- Remember the url! As much as I love reading genuine Magnus theories, this isn't the best place for them. This is a place for buffoonery. Shenanigans. Tomfoolery. Genuine theories will not be posted.
- Send submissions in via my asks or dms!
- Me not posting an ask is pretty rare! I'll only pass it by if it's genuine or I've posted something too similar before.